Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Poisonous, War-Mongering Gnome, Zelensky, Joins Adolph Hitler As a Time Magazine Man-of-the-Year

It’s Time to Speak the Truth About Ukraine

Sanctions are destroying the US economy, a proxy war is leading the United States to the brink of nuclear annihilation, and America is financing a Nazi regime.

Joe Biden, the military-industrial-congressional complex, State Department neocons, the War Party comprised of all Democrats and many corporate Republicans, and Western globalist elites have the United States and NATO in a Ukrainian proxy war against Russia. The warmongers are obsessed with destroying Russia. To achieve it, they are determined to fight to the last Ukrainian.

In eight months, Congress has wasted $69 billion of American taxpayer money to fund their proxy war. That’s about $8 billion more than Russia’s entire annual military budget. And to the delight of the American arms industry, there is no end in sight. Biden is soon expected to request another $50 billion.   

Meanwhile, Biden and Congress have betrayed the American people—doing next to nothing to solve the crises of inflation, self-inflicted shortages of fuel and food, an invasion of five-and-a-half million illegal aliens, out-of-control violent crime, and a fentanyl epidemic imported from China and Mexico that is killing 100,000 Americans every year.  

In May, 11 Republican senators and 57 GOP members of the House had the courage to support the interests of Americans and vote against continuing to fund the Ukrainian boondoggle. They were vilified by the warmongers as being “soft on Putin.” Since then, the entire Democratic Party, including its so-called leftist progressives and corporate Republicans, have only reaffirmed their subservience to the permanent war agenda.

The Ukraine war goals of the U.S. military-industrial-congressional complex and the Western globalist elites do absolutely nothing to serve the interests of the American people. But so far, pro-war propaganda has brainwashed a large segment of the American people into supporting the warmongers. But the truth is slowly coming out. Fake news lies perpetuating this disaster are being debunked by American patriots, including Tucker Carlson, retired U.S. Army Colonel Douglas Macgregor, and former United Nations weapon inspector and U.S. Marine Scott Ritter.

Separating Facts from Propaganda

Ukraine is the most corrupt nation in Europe. Senate warmongers in May were quick to shoot down Senator Rand Paul’s proposed amendment to include an Inspector General to establish minimal accountability for the delivery of $40 billion in aid. They should have listened to Rand Paul. A now-censored CBS report revealed that, due to theft and corruption, only 30 percent of American equipment ever reaches the Ukrainian frontlines. Criminal gangs across Europe are already trafficking the arms on the black market.  

Contrary to Western media disinformation, Ukraine has already lost the war. The fact is that from the start of the conflict, Russia has been fighting at a one-to-three manpower disadvantage. Despite the handicap, Russia has been inflicting a minimum of 600 to 1,500 casualties a day on the Ukrainian army, taken 20 percent of the country, and is dismantling its power grid. Ukraine has lost 100,000 soldiers so far

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Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Colonel Douglas MacGregor: "Ukraine is not winning and will not win this war"

The national political and military leaders who committed America to wars of choice in Vietnam, the Balkans, Afghanistan, and Iraq, did so as a rule because they were convinced the fighting would be short and decisive. American presidents, presidential advisors, and senior military leaders never stopped to consider that national strategy, if it exists at all, consists of avoiding conflict unless the nation is attacked and compelled to fight.

The latest victim of this mentality is Ukraine. In the absence of a critical root-and-branch analysis of Russia’s national power and strategic interests, American senior military leaders and their political bosses viewed Russia through a narrowly focused lens that magnified U.S. and Ukrainian strengths but ignored Russia’s strategic advantages—geographic depth, almost limitless natural resources, high social cohesion, and the military-industrial capacity to rapidly scale up its military power.

Sunday, December 4, 2022

And Despite the Assurances of the Experts, Even N-95 Masks Haven't Prevented Covid Spread

“The Experts™” have repeatedly tried to deflect from the failure of their policies with misdirection. The reason lockdowns didn’t work in the United States or the United Kingdom is because they weren’t strict enough, according to many in the expert community. Of course, their excuses have been conveniently ignored as China’s repressive zero COVID lockdowns have continued, with horrific consequences. Now that mass protests have broken out in the country that “The Experts™” revered for their COVID handling, there’s a massive effort to disregard their own previous advocacy. ...

Hypocrisy Defined

Saturday, December 3, 2022

Canada's Nazified Government Introduces Euthanazia for Those Complaining of Governnent Incompetence

Disabled Canadian Army veteran Paralympian offered Euthanazia when she complained about how long it was taking to install stairlift at her home. The scandal emerged a week after Canada's veterans affairs minister confirmed that at least four other veterans were similarly offered access to Canada's Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) law in response to their troubles, a situation Prime Minister Justin Trudeau called 'absolutely unacceptable'. But if you're depressed, Trudeau will be glad to see you euthanized. And that includes your kid.


Grieving father, who lost son to cancer, in blistering attack on Canadian government as it considers offering euthanasia to sick kids

Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Colonel Douglas MacGregor: Ukraine Update November 29, 2022 -- Under American Direction, Ukraine Will Blunder On Until Totally Defeated

Mike Whitney: Putin's Remedy: A Fragmented, Toothless Ukraine Separated by a 100 Kilometer-Wide No-Man's-Land

Apple Helps Chinese Communists Suppress Protests – Removes Crucial Tool of Dissent on iPhones

Apple helped the Chinese Communists this month suppress the mass protests against the regime.

Sadly, the freedom protesters were not able to use AirDrop, a file-sharing feature on iPhones that allows users to share content in authoritarian states.

Apple removed the feature in their latest update in China and did not notify users.

Apple is working with the Communists now.

Tucker Suggests Apple, American News Media Is ‘Covering’ For The CCP

In Canada, Meantime Trudeau Says People in China Should Be Allowed to Protest -- Trudeau thinks peaceful protesters in Canada should be crushed by the military deployed under the terms of the Emergencies Act.

‘Negative Efficacy’ Should Have Stopped COVID Vaccine Recommendations in Their Tracks

Epoch Times, November 28, 2022:  Recently, various health agencies around the world have approved and are actively pushing for another COVID booster shot, meant to enhance the vaccine efficacy against a COVD-19 infection.

However, many studies have found that the boosters do not make a significant  difference in protection, especially in terms of protection against reinfection. In fact, the latest data shows vaccine efficacy against the coronavirus tends to even drop into the negatives after just a few months.

What Does Negative Efficacy Mean?

It is a well known fact that COVID vaccine effectiveness wanes quickly as time goes on; this is confirmed by countless studies.

Although the official narrative for COVID-19 vaccines nowadays only emphasizes its efficacy on protection against ICU admission and death rates, it actually implies the indisputable fact that vaccines don’t protect, contrary to their design, against infection or even symptomatic infection, especially after the emergence of various Omicron variants.

Even the protection two shots offers against hospitalization drops to about 40 percent after less than a year. It’s actually looking worse for protection against severe symptoms, as efficacy rates seem to drop into the negatives about five months into full vaccination.

When a vaccine’s efficacy drops into the negatives, it means that vaccination actually elevates the risks of hospitalization and severe diseases rather than reducing the risks. In simple terms, it does more harm than good when the efficacy is negative.

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Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Super Dumb Authoritarian Aussie Government Now Compelled to Refund Outrageous Fines for Violation of Preposterous Covid Rules

The Gateway Pundit, November 29, 2022: Australia is famous for its totalitarian COVID restrictions and vaccine mandates. The Deputy Premier of NSW boldly declared that even businesses that accept unvaccinated people would be subject to exceptionally heavy fines back in 2021.

Australia’s Northern Territory imposed an authoritarian lockdown on citizens who have not been ‘fully vaccinated’ against Covid-19 as officials scrambled to deal with the highly-mild Omicron variant back in January.

Any individual 16 or older and who was not fully vaccinated will not be able to leave their homes, even if it’s to go to work or to get exercise outdoors.

According to the state’s Chief Health Officer, trivial necessities like making a living or breathing fresh air are no longer “essential” because the restriction of people’s free movement is “critical.”

Monday, November 28, 2022

Can That Be True? Australia Sees 63% Drop in Births After Introduction of COVID “Vaccines”

 From Global Research: New data released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) shows that ever since Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” were launched, the birth rate Down Under has plunged by an astounding 63 percent.

From October to November in 2021, there was a 21 percent decrease in births compared to the average over a 10-year period. From November to December 2021, just one month later, there was a 63 percent decrease in births.

“December was about nine months after the roll-out of the COVID vaccines,” notes LifeSiteNews‘ David James about the rough time period from conception to birth. (Related: Taiwan saw a similar 23 percent plunge in births following the launch of Operation Warp Speed.)

“It is possible that some of these numbers will be revised, but should the trend continue Australia will finish up with empty maternity wards. Even the propagandists running government media departments, and the so-called journalists mimicking everything they say, will have trouble hiding that problem.”

Therapeutic Goods Administration (Australia’s FDA) committed mass murder against citizens

There is a really good chance that nobody in Australian politics, save for perhaps a few “fringe” individuals, says a thing about this damning data. That is because it exposes Fauci Flu shots as a depopulation tool.

If anything does get said, it will likely be spun using the common trope that “correlation does not equal causation,” meaning nobody knows for sure if the shots are responsible. But what else could it be?

The only thing that changed at the start of 2021 was that Donald Trump fully launched Operation Warp Speed, unleashing billions of mystery chemical injections on the world. And about nine months later, birth rates all around the world plunged.

There has been at least one person formerly in power, former federal senator George Christensen, who questioned: “Is the jab to blame?” He even wrote an article about it that will almost certainly put him in the crosshairs for vilification and character assassination.

Naomi Wolf and a team of investigators have identified a lengthy list of negative outcomes associated with the jabs that extend far beyond just failure to reproduce. They include:

  • Male fertility issues affecting semen, prostate function, and thus fertility (the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) was notified about this on April 1, 2021, which resulted in absolutely nothing happening)
  • Female fertility issues, which were also ignored by federal regulators
  • Sonograms showing abnormal inflammation and calcification in fetuses roughly eight weeks after injection
  • Penile injuries that Pfizer’s own internal documents admit are occurring
  • Miscarriages at a rate of 87.5 percent

Did the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), the Australian version of the FDA, bother to look at any of this when it authorized, approved, and later mandated Fauci Flu shots on its citizens? If it did, how did the TGA come to the conclusion that the jabs are safe for anyone, let alone for pregnant women?

Fertility specialist Dr. Luke McLindon says he observed a massive jump in miscarriages among his own patients after the jabs were unleashed. Pre-Operation Warp Speed, the miscarriage rate among McLindon’s patients was 12-15 percent. Today, among his “vaccinated” patients, it has reached 74 percent.

“What is needed at this point is not complete answers, but the right questions,” James says. “Questions that the media has disgracefully failed to ask and then, even more disgracefully, attacked others for asking.”

“The first queries will take time to answer, but they must be posed: ‘Why is the drop in the fertility rate happening? Why has the death rate in Australia jumped? Why is the average age of death from Covid identical to life expectancy in Australia?’”

Sunday, November 27, 2022

Documentation of the Claim that the US Government Funded the Creation of Covid

The US government funded Peter Daszak’s ECO Health Alliance to the tune of $61,491,183 to make new coronaviruses that are infectious to humans.

It also directly or indirectly funds the Wuhan Institute of Virology to the tune of $7.4 million dollars to make new coronaviruses that are infectious to humans.

Meanwhile, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases funded Ralph Baric to the tune of $46,958,414 to make new coronaviruses that are infectious to humans.

This totals more than $114 million in the period from 2000 to 2020 to make new coronaviruses which are infectious to humans.

There is no question that SARS-CoV 2 (causing Covid-19) is man-made. Here’s the evidence…