Showing posts with label Mark Curtis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mark Curtis. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The principles of British foreign policy and the corruption of democratic government

Based on the study of classified government documents released to the public under the 30-year rule, British historian Mark Curtis has shown that the formulation and presentation of British foreign policy is based on a total contempt for the intelligence of the public. Such contempt is evident in the glaring gap between state realpolitik, as manifest in the open and frank discussion of real goals in secret government documents, and the government's claim to benevolence in foreign policy objectives, e.g., to prevent, Saddam Hussein, Col. Quadhafi, whoever, from killing their own people, infecting everyone in the Christian West with anthrax and the plague bacillus, or simply being the new Hitler.

Through the general application of this principle of government, democracy has become a soft dictatorship. Coercion is rarely necessary because the entire public political discourse is a fantasy in which sound bites and video clips are woven into a public relations story that leaves no room to doubt that our leaders offer the nearest that can be attained to the practical application of those principles of our Saviour, Jesus Christ the Lord, as enunciated in the Sermon on the Mount.

But if a serious threat arises to the management of public perception, the Government PR machine and its collaborators in the corporate-controlled media readily put a gloss on the necessity of an occasional assassination, rendition and torture or denial of habeus corpus.