Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Wikipedia, Trikipedia: The Great Misinfopedia

What Wikipedia doesn't tell you:

On the downing of Malaysia Airways Flight MH17:

Wikipedia's account
Another account that Wikipedia doesn't mention

Or on 9/11:

Wikipedia's account
The Account by Architechts and Engineers for 9/11 Truth


  1. Internet Encyclopedia Helps
    Brainwash Millions of Minds
    By Dave Gahary

    The author, an editor at AFP, explains Wikipedia's intolerance of quoting a remark about controlled demolition made by Larry A. Silverstein, the Jewish real estate mogul involved with the WTC when it was destroyed. Silverstein's statement, wrote Gahary, can be heard in an interview which appeared in a PBS documentary, "America Rebuilds: A Year at Ground Zero".

    1. With reference to the advice to:

      "Believe nothing until it has been officially denied"

      Wikipedia is among the most reliable "official" sources of denial.
