Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Why the Diversity Cucks and Death-to-the-Nation Globalists Are Headed for the Trash Heap of History

As Thereason May, the fake Brexiteer, and leading British war criminal, Phony Blair, strive to keep Britain chained to the Yellow-Vest-infested European Disunion, Theodore Beale explains why it's game over for the diversity cucks and globalist con-men.

Once you figure out that the other side really, genuinely, and truly wants to destroy your religion and your race, only the suicidal and the delusional will persist in trying to "come together" and seek to "discuss our differences". You can brag about being anti-racist, apolitical, post-ideological, colorblind, or even apathetic all you like, but once it finally registers that the other side is literally hell-bent on destroying everything and everyone you value, it's no longer possible to continue lying to yourself.

I saw this in a microcosm in my interview with Bleeding Cool editor-in-chief Mark Siefert. He simply could not, and would not, believe what I was telling him about the SJWs in comics. He insisted that there must be a place at the table for everyone, that it didn't have to be war to the knife. I assured him that he was wrong, and that the SJWs could not be reasoned with, and the next day, he discovered the truth when he was ejected from his position by the very SJWs he'd been defending as reasonable the day before.

The cuckspace is shrinking. The middle ground is rapidly vanishing and nothing is going to bring it back. There is nothing to bring it back, because diversity is, quite literally, disintegration. It won't be long before those who believed they were morally superior for denouncing nationalists as fascists and Nazis will be crying for those nationalists to save them... if they are not proclaiming themselves to have been nationalists all along.

The real lesson of the Spanish Civil War is this: you will not save your nation without fighting for it.

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